Windows 10 Users

Windows 10 Users

Revision History:

First Release - 10/17/19 (QR)

Computer's running some versions of Windows 10 can have trouble connecting to the Pocket NC due to a driver issue. If you are experiencing this, please try the following:

In Windows 10 the Beaglebone driver installs itself automatically when plugged into the computer, but there is a problem with the RNDIS driver that prevents the communication with the Beagleboard. The RNDIS driver can easily be updated with the generic Microsoft driver.

  1. Go into the device manager.

  2. The Beaglebone Board should show up as a device, right click on the device and select

    “Update Driver.”

  3. Next click “Browse my computer for drivers” > “Let me pick from a list” > “Network

    Adaptors” > “Microsoft” > “USB RNDIS Adaptor.” Note in some cases this may also be

    named Remote RNDIS or may be under the Microsoft Corp folder.

  4. You may need to unplug the USB and replug in the USB to reboot the Beagleboard.

  5. Turn on the machine and start using.

If after following the above steps you are still experiencing connection issues, please let us know here.

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